Common Myths and Stereotypes Associated with Homosexual Males

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There have been many myths and stereotypes that have been associated with homosexual males that have been proven not to be so true. Here are 5 out of many:

  1. Gender: “Gay men are all feminine.”

All Gay men do not express the same gender behavior. In fact, there are many gay men who are very in tune with their masculine side. This stereotype could be due to the fact that most masculine gay males do not express their sexual orientation openly. Although majority of openly gay males are often those who meet the stereotype of femininity.

2.  Personality: “Gay men are into fashion, have tidy apartments, and love Madonna!”

Sure a lot of gay males have a thing for fashion, cleaning, and Madonna, but it is not true for all of them. Each of them have very unique personalities and there is no such thing as a “gay man’s personality.” A personality is a personality and just like some gay men like Madonna some straight men do also.

3. Sexual Attraction: “Gay men are attracted to all men and can’t control their desires”

Now this is a stereotype that I absolutely do not agree with. Just like anybody else, gay males have a specific type of person that they are attracted to. Saying this is like saying that straight men are attracted to every single female that they come in contact with or that women are attracted to every male, which is definitely not true.

4. Sexual Behavior: “Gay men are promiscuous and obsessed with sex”

Anybody can be promiscuous and/or obsessed with sex; this is not something out of the ordinary. Sexual behavior of gay men varies from person to person. But to say that homosexual males are more promiscuous and obsessed with sex than heterosexual males is absurd.

5. Sex Roles: “Gay men focus on anal sex and mimic male/female sex roles”

Newsflash, not all gay men participate in anal sex and gay men are not the only people who engage in anal sex. Some homosexual males identify with either “top” or “bottom” while others consider themselves to be versatile, but most of them do not act out heterosexual roles while in the bedroom.

More information on stereotypes of homosexual males: https://www.huffingtonpost.com/murray-lipp/gay-men-myths-stereotypes_b_3463172.html

Illiyha Gopher

Illiyha Gopher

20|| #TSU20 💙🐯 || Biology Major 📚|| Future Orthodontist 😁

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