Meet Aidan DeStefano

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According to Merriam-Webster Dictionary, transgender is defined as of, relating to, or being a person whose gender identity differs from the sex the person had or was identified as having at birth; especially :of, relating to, or being a person whose gender identity is opposite the sex the person had or was identified as having at birth.

Meet Aidan DeStefano. By looking at this picture you see nothing, but a happy teenage boy or so you thought. Aidan was biologically born a female. At an early age he realized hat he was different, but he did not know how to express it until one day he was watching a video on YouTube and encountered the term “transgender.” Before his junior year of high school he publicly announced that he would be transitioning from female to male. He then started taking testosterone and eventually got his breasts removed. He even went from running on the girl’s cross country team to running on the boy’s cross country team. After his transformation his school was sued for allowing transgender students to use the restrooms and locker rooms  associated with their gender identity.  Aidan decided to testify and tell his story to the judge and to express how important it is for him and other students to be able to use the restrooms and locker rooms that fit their gender identity. The judge ruled in favor of the school’s policy, but it is headed to a higher court due to an appeal. I honestly believe that the people of the transgender community should be able to use the restrooms that fit their gender identity. By looking at Aidan I would have never believed that he was once a she and I would honestly be more concerned if I saw the new Aidan walk into a female restroom than I would to see him walk into a male restroom.


To read more about Aidan’s story click the link below:


Illiyha Gopher

Illiyha Gopher

20|| #TSU20 💙🐯 || Biology Major 📚|| Future Orthodontist 😁

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