Depression and the SIG E CAPS

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Many people use the term “depressed” when describing the way they are feeling or the mood they are in.  Although depression has a lot to do with a sad mood, there are other symptoms that can come with being depressed:

S- Sleep decreased. This can be the inability to fall asleep or stay asleep, as well as early morning awakenings.

I- Interest decreased in activities.  Not feeling like doing things you once enjoyed.

G- Feelings of guilt or worthlessness.

E- Energy decreased.

C- Concentration difficulties.

A- Appetite disturbance or weight loss that is unintentional.

P- Psychomotor retardation/agitation. This is the slowing down of thoughts and of physical movements.

S- Suicidal thoughts.

These are the SIG E CAPS of depression.  Although a person may feel depressed, there are certain levels of depression that may need to be medically addressed.  A person experiencing 5 or more of the above symptoms everyday for at least 2 weeks may be considered to be suffering from major depression.  Even if you only have 1 or 2 of these symptoms in addition to having a depressed mood, it may benefit you to talk to your physician.  He or she will be able to properly screen you for depression and make the appropriate recommendations, referrals, and evaluations.  If you are having thoughts of suicide, then please seek immediate help.

The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline is a 24/7 service that is also available online or by calling 1-800-273-8255.

For more information on depression and places you can go for help, visit:  http://www.mentalhealth.gov

Ashlie Martin

Ashlie Martin

Meharry Medical Student with Interest in improving health care in the LGBT community as a future family physician.

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